
Homing in…

March 3, 2009

“Ever had a relationship end in such a way that you never saw it coming, but it was as if an avalanche had hit  you, or a firestorm had swept over you, leaving your charred body waiting for the next breeze to blow it into a little drift of ashes”

“A sad thing in life is that sometimes you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let it go”

In life, sometimes you get attached to people or even significant objects.  Maybe you are caught up on a specific place that you enjoy.  Nine times out of ten you will not have the luxury of what ever it is you are stuck on being there for you psychologicaly.  Sometimes you just need to let things go.

There are so many times I get myself stuck and I can not trip my mind or clear my head.  I’m known as someone who is always willing to help others.  Although I enjoy helping people I struggle with saying, no.  Sometimes there is too much on my plate and I end up with a headache of work.

I really pride myself on my time management skills even though I take a lot of heat for it as well.  Since high school I have made it a point to strive and really reach for the clouds.  Determined to do the the best I can and be successful at the same time.

Procrastination is one of my biggest pet peeves.  I rarely comit the horid sin, but I have the hardest time accepting that people can procrastinate and actually not care about their work.  Just the basic fact that they do not put time and effort into their work and actually feel good about what they do. 

Since I am so disturbed by others procrastination habits, I realized that I cant let them bug me.  They are the only ones who are being effected by their lack of care.

Like I have learned sometimes no matter how attached you may be you just have to take a breath and let it go.

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